What if you were told that there is ONE thing that could cause ALL of the following?
- Low Energy, Chronic Fatigue, Weakness
- Digestive Insufficiency (heartburn, bloating, gas, leaky gut)
- Reduced Libido, ED, Frigidity, Inability to Conceive
- Headaches, Migraines, Brain Fog
- Sleep Disturbances (can’t fall asleep, can’t go back to sleep)
- Obesity, Metabolic Syndrome, Hypoglycemia, Insulin Resistance, Diabetes
- Aches, Pain, Inflammation
- Anxiety, Depression, Mood Disorders
- Attention, Focus, Memory Problems
- Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure, Hypercholesterolemia
- Melanoma, Leukemia, Lymphoma, Cancer
- Autoimmune Diseases (lupus, Hashimoto’s, Rheumatoid Arthritis, MS, ALS, etc.)
- Osteoporosis
What would you think?
Would you think that it’s worth knowing what that one thing is?
What if you were then told that if you didn’t address that one thing that those conditions were practically inevitable?
Even more astonishing, what if there was one thing that you could do that could:
- Balance / Imbalance body chemistry
- Maximize / Minimize metabolic efficiency
- Reverse / Cause degenerative disease
- Restore / Undermine function
- Build / Destroy health
- Optimize / Inhibit immunity
- Improve / Worsen digestion
- Heal / Shut down down the gut
- Promote / Impede elimination
- Increase / Decrease detoxifica
tion - Maximize / Minimize hormone production
- Resolve Stressors / Be the primary, foundational stressor !
Would you like to know what that one thing is?
That one thing is FOOD—and that’s why DIET really IS first and foremost for preventing disease, reversing degenerative conditions, !
Food is THE foundation, THE primary determining factor for EITHER health OR disease.
Food absolutely is the FIRST THING that should be considered, correctly addressed, and RESOLVED in any health-building or disease-treating regimen.
Any and all other health therapies, practices, and protocols will ONLY prove HELPFUL—but NOT curative—IF the diet component is not right, i.e., if it does not meet your unique, genetically based requirements for nutrition.
It is a scientific fact that diet ALONE can CAUSE cancer, diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, and any degenerative condition that you can name. But it’s also true that food alone can HEAL those very same conditions.
Food Is Our Most Powerful Drug
Make no mistake.
Food is very powerful.
In a manner of speaking, it’s not a stretch to say that food is our most powerful drug! After all, foods contain far more than just mere calories.
Every food contains hundreds of biochemical compounds. And like chemical compounds found in pharmaceutical drugs, the BIO-chemical compounds in foods have VERY PRECISE, VERY SPECIFIC EFFECTS ON THE BODY that go beyond foods’ caloric value.
So, we literally “medicate” ourselves 3 times a day, every day of our lives with the foods that we eat, with the bio-CHEMICAL compounds that we ingest.
HOWEVER, it’s very important to realize that unlike drugs, the effects of foods on metabolism are cumulative. So, it can be said that because we ingest foods (which are loaded with biochemical compounds) 3x a day, every day, and that because the effects of foods and nutrients on the body are CUMULATIVE, food is ultimately MORE powerful—for good OR ill—than drugs!
Food Is A “Dual-edged Sword”
It’s also IMPORTANT to understand that food is a “Dual-edged Sword.”
Food is more than just calories.
Food really is, LITERALLY SPEAKING, either your “medicine” or your “poison.”
The right food can heal you, but the wrong food can kill you! And by wrong foods, we’re not just referring to bad food quality. Alternative health practices across the country are loaded with clients that eat clean, exercise regularly, get plenty of rest—but are still unable to lose weight or are ill with serious degenerative conditions.
A Good OR Bad Foundation
What is not understood by most all clients and practitioners alike is that foods directly impact ***and regulate*** all elements of metabolism.
The food we consume has direct stimulatory or inhibitory influences on the Fundamental Homeostatic Controls that regulate all elements of metabolsim and all functions in the body, e.g., Autonomic Nervous System (NeuroEndocrine), Mitochondrial Energy Production, Steroidal Hormone Balance, Neurotransmitter Balance, Anabolic-Anaerobic/Catabolic-
That’s why simply eating clean isn’t good enough.
That’s why consuming the RIGHT diet that meets the genetically based requrements of your Metabolic Type® is so NECESSARY.
That’s why Food ALONE can determine health or disease.
That’s why we say that “Food IS Foundational”.
- You have to eat in order to live, right? – Check
- You probably eat 3X per day or more, right? – Check.
So, the food you eat will either be a good, solid, strong foundation for health … OR … food will be THE primary foundation for disease.
Stress In Health And Disease
Stress is natural. Stress is a normal aspect of being alive and living life.
Stress is anything that challenges the system, the status quo, the homeostatic balance.
There are seemingly innumerable stressors in this modern world in which we live:
- Energetic Stress (trauma, abuse, shock, job loss, death in family)
- Mental Stress (overwork, deadlines, financial, political)
- Emotional Stress (job-related, familial, interpersonal)
- Physical Stress (overwork, overtraining, insufficient rest, circadian disruption)
- Structural Stress (TMJ/dental, cranial, spinal)
- Biochemical Stress (macronutirent and micronutrient deficiencies and imbalances)
- Environmental Stress (herbicides, pesticides, industrial pollutants, fires, earthquakes, floods, tornadoes)
- Pathogenic Stress (bacterial, viral, fungal, parasitic)
- Electromagnetic Stress (EMF, VLF, blue light)
- Chemical Stress (Toxins)
Stress of any kind INCREASES the body’s demand for nutrients.
The body MUST have available the right nutrients, at the right place, and at the right time in order to DEFEND against, ADAPT to, and RESOLVE stress.
Because chronic stress, unrelenting, unresolved stress, i.e., the failure to resolve stress, leads to nutrient depletion, burnout, degeneration, dysfunction, breakdown, and eventually full-blown, diagnosable, degenerative disease.
Stress both INCREASES the body’s DEMAND for nutrients … and simultaneously … DECREASES or DEPLETES nutritional RESERVES.
That means that Food Alone—the RIGHT diet—is THE primary component for Adaptation, the body’s ability to defend against and resolve stressors, which results in good health … OR … Food Alone—the WRONG diet—is THE primary stressor in Failure to Adapt which leads to dis-ease, dysfunction, degeneration, and disease.
Importantly, the human body is perfectly designed to adapt to and resolve stressors of most any kind. But in order to do so, at the very foundation of the body’s stress response, there must be available the right nutrients, at the right place, at the right time, and in the right form—both quantitatively (sufficient amount) and qualitatively (proper balance).
- Quantitatively means a sufficient quantity of specific nutrients must always be readily available on demand for the body.
- Qualitatively means that the right balance of nutrients must also be available at the right place and at the right time in order for the innumerable biochemical, metabolic, and physiological functions to take place effectively.
Furthermore, and perhaps most importantly, the body must have the right nutrients available in order to mount a defense against and resolve stress.
Think of it this way:
- Stress is like an enemy that mounts an attack against the body
- To defend itself, to ward off or repel stressors, the body goes to the ammunition cabinet (where nutritional reserves are stored)
- But if the cabinet is bare, the body has no ammunition with which to defend itself
- It can’t access the nutrients it needs to defend against, adapt to, and resolve the stressors
- And, the failure to successfully defend against, adapt to, and resolve stress is the primary cause of all disease.
That means:
Diet is the absolute foundation for every possible stress response the body could mount.
Stress is an inevitable part of living. The question of health vs. disease depends on the body’s capacity to defend against, adapt to, and successfully resolve stress. The critical fact is that without the proper diet, dysfunction can—and most assuredly WILL—develop. When stressors arise, and the body attempts to defend against, adapt to, and resolve stress, if the diet is NOT correct, THEN stress defense, stress adaptation, and stress resolution will fail.
Not only will stress RESOLUTION fail, but the improper diet ITSELF then becomes THE primary stressor, the foundational stressor, the mother of all stressors—and all other stressors become secondary!
The wrong diet becomes the stressor that drives imbalances and dysfunctions even deeper and forces other elements of metabolism into compensation and defense. When that occurs, the defense itself becomes the cause of disease. For example, the wrong diet can cause low blood sugar. To defend itself, the body will hormonally raise blood sugar which in turn can lead to diabetes as well as hormonal depletion.
Food is the primary determinant of successful defense, adaptation, and stress resolution—or failure to adapt.
In thinking about how degenerative diseases develop, it’s useful to use the image and analogy of an iceberg. What is seen above the surface of the ocean is a manifestation and expression of foundational elements below the surface.
Similarly, (read chart from the bottom upwards) it is the failure to meet genetically based nutritional requirements for optimal/normal function, which begins with diet, coupled with the unresolved, accumulated presence of stressors and blocking factors, that allows for an ever-increasing stress burden and toxic load, that together results in biochemical imbalances and metabolic inefficiencies and the chronic failure to adapt to and resolve stress, which in turn produces initially subclinical health complaints, and eventually full-blown diagnosable degenerative diseases.
Whether or not the wrong diet directly causes a specific stressor, the wrong diet ALWAYS contributes significantly to the presence of ANY stressor because it undermines the body’s capacity to defend against and to resolve that stress.
Wrong Diet = Negative Cascade
Remember, stress ALSO increases nutrient requirements AND depletes nutrient reserves, which only compounds the damage an improper diet can do.
No stressor persists in the body that …
- did not arise as a direct result of a nutrient deficiency and imbalance,
- that became chronic due to nutrient depletion and imbalance, and
- that thereby prevented the body from resolving the stressor and returning to homeostasis and normal function.
Chronic ingestion of an improper diet, i.e., one that fails to meet genetically based requirements in conjunction with chronic stress and environmental toxin exposure results in nutrient depletion, which causes
- biochemical imbalance
- metabolic inefficiency
- dysregulation of control systems
- dysfunction
- failed adaptation, and
- failed stress resolution
It is precisely this cascade that results initially in subclinical health complaints such as headaches, pain, indigestion, constipation, etc., (see graphic above) and which if left unresolved leads to degeneration and eventually full-blown, diagnosable degenerative diseases like cancer, diabetes, arthritis, autoimmune, etc.
- By not eating a proper diet, the body does not meet its genetically based requirements for optimal function.
- Simultaneously, we live in a world with an increasingly hostile and toxic environment in the air we breathe, the water we drink and even the food we eat which increases the body requirements for nutrients to defend against and detoxify.
- And simultaneously, stress on every level increases as each year goes by—mental stress, emotional stress, job stress, worry about diseases, crime, war, and extreme weather events, electromagnetic stress, pathogenic stress (virus, bacteria, fungi, parasitic), environmental toxins, etc.
- And stress increases nutrient demand even more and depletes nutrient reserves.
Without the proper diet how can we ever hope to reverse the degenerative spiral?
The good news is that the body is designed to be healthy.
Every cell is genetically programmed for optimal function.
The body is perfectly capable of resolving all manner of stressors—if it gets what it needs to function properly.
- To balance body chemistry, …
- To maximize metabolic efficiency, …
- To reverse degenerative disease, …
- To restore function, …
- To Build Optimal Health …
- You must meet the genetically based requirements for nutrition
- You must eat right for your Metabolic Type®
Eating right for your Metabolic Type® and meeting your body’s genetically based requirements will assure the best opportunity for your body’s “good health program” to run to successful fruition!